Tuesday, April 10, 2012


On Saturday, we prepped one of the raised beds and on Easter Sunday we planted three rows of Thomas Laxton Peas.  I can't wait to take my first snack break on these when I am mowing the lawn!

Prepped raised bed ready for planting!
My toy- Echo mini tiller

 On Easter morning while Charlotte was playing with her toys, I transplanted our 36 tomato seedlings and moved them under lights to give them a growing boost.  Next up to start are our cucumbers and all our different squashes.

While I transplanted, Stephanie became an expert pot maker using our new PotMaker mold.  This simple tool makes very sturdy molds out of recycled newspaper.  Best of all, the pots she made are 100% biodegradable!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful blog on Your new venture! I can't wait to follow Your progress:)
